Contribute Code

The Minisat is an open source project that’s licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. Contributions of all types are gladly accepted!

Setting up the developement

To create a developement environment follow steps given for Minisat insallation at chapter 1.2

Setting up test environment

In Minisat, Pytest is used for testing and Travis-ci for Continuous Integration. All Minisat pull request are tested against testcases by Travis-ci. Sometimes tests fail, and when they do you can visit the test job that failed and view its console output.

It is possible for you to run these same tests locally. As most of our testing is done using Selenium. For that you need to download Selenium webdriver for Mozilla Firefox at mozilla geckodriver

Extract the driver. Export path

export PATH=$PATH/:/path/of/driver

It will set a path variable to the webdriver.

And run the test


Submit Patches

Patches to fix bugs or add new features are always appreciated. If you are going to work on a specific issue, make a note in the issue section so the developers will know what you’re working on. Please try to create an issue which is specific for your patch details.

  • Fork the project and Clone it

On GitHub, navigate to the Minisat repository. In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork.

alt text

To clone repo

git clone<your-user-name>/minisat.git
  • Create a feature/topic branch
git checkout -b <branchName>
  • Make the changes required and commit the code
git add <modifiedFile(s)>
git commit -m "Fixes #<bug> - <message>"
  • Push topic branch to your fork
git push origin <branchName>
  • Issue a pull request

To create pull request follow the link.

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