*# Running Docker Containers

Docker containers are created either from existing local images or by pulling images from Docker registry and then running them.

Step 1

First you need to create compute resource.

To do so click on Infrastructure => Compute Resource

  • Fill all the details
  • Make sure there is no current existance of name and IP address in database.
  • Also see to it that remote machine is reachable from your machine and root password is correct.
  • As there is validation for the above.

If you have already added compute for virtual machine no need to create again, same compute can be used for containers also.

Step 2

The previous step will now allow the server to perform SSH on remote Docker server and gather container related facts.

To run a container from Docker image

  • Enter name for container
  • Enter the Docker image and tag name
  • Provide the host port and container port
  • Select compute resource

Step 3

Finally hit Run to run container.

Check running running containers on dashboard under Docker containers tab.

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